domingo, 4 de marzo de 2012

The cloud: medical and insurance activity

Comentario: Prof. Adj. Dr. Roberto Keklikian

No se educa cuando se imponen conductas, sino cuando se proponen valores que motivan y cuando se fomenta la capacidad de pensar por cuenta propia

Significant changes occur continuously. In my work as an insurance Medical Manager in Argentina and as Professor of the School of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires, I see that.

"Being Digital" by Nicholas Negroponte was an excellent book made ​​the mistake of suggesting that digital culture would replace the analogical one. Both of them formed actually the Convergence Culture (Henry Jenkins, MIT).

Everything is converging. The cloud today is a reality in medical and insurance activity.

Are our human and technological resources ready? This varies in each company and in each School of Medicine. Let's be proactive. Innovation must be continuously adapted to our concrete reality.

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